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Data Products: Energetic Heavy Ions

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GOES-16 SEISS energetic heavy ion data from September 10-14, 2017.

The GOES-R Series Space Environment In-Situ Suite (SEISS) includes an energetic heavy ion sensor. The energetic heavy ion product measured by this sensor measures energetic heavy ion fluxes in the Earth’s magnetosphere. Information provided by this product is used in tandem with the magnetic energetic ion products, as well as the solar and galactic proton product to provide a comprehensive picture of the energetic particle environment surrounding the Earth. This information aids scientists in assessing the risk of radiation posed to astronauts and high-altitude aircraft. These ions cause many of the same issues as the solar and galactic protons, although the energy levels required for ions to have the same effect can be lower. This heavy ion product gives forecasters, operations personnel, and spacecraft designers critical data which will improves the capability to mitigate single event effects (SEEs), total ionizing dose (TID), and biological effects.