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User Information: Overview

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The GOES-R Series Program is committed to ensuring that the user community is prepared for the new types of satellite imagery and data that are available from the GOES-R satellite series. Users are defined as the individuals, companies, and institutions that will use the GOES-R Level 1b (L1b), Level 2, and higher-level (L2+) products to perform their meteorological functions.

Preparing users for the advanced capabilities of GOES-R Series is essential to the success of the mission.

The program engaged users early in the process to ensure day-one readiness, maximum utilization of GOES-R Series products, and an effective transition to operations. This was accomplished through Proving Ground and NOAA testbed activities, simulated data sets, training, scientific and user conferences, and other communication and outreach efforts.

What's New

  • International training requests: If you would like more information on GOES-R Series international training opportunities please complete the GOES-R International Training Request Form. Requests will be honored depending on resources available. At a minimum, virtual material can be provided.