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GOES-R Series Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Categories: Geostationary Weather Satellites and Remote Sensing   |   General Information   |   GOES-R Users

Click on questions below to show or hide the answers.

Geostationary Weather Satellites and Remote Sensing

Why do we need weather satellites?
Why is geostationary orbit needed?
Why are the current GOES satellites positioned the way they are in terms of coverage?
What are the dates for the end-of-life for the existing GOES satellites?
What exactly do GOES detect?
How do GOES detect this energy?
How are the detectors tuned to Earth?
Why is space weather important?
What role do GOES play in search and rescue?
What happens to the old geostationary satellites when they are no longer able to generate weather data?

GOES-R Series General Information

What is the GOES-R Series?
Who is responsible for the GOES-R Series?
What is the total cost of the GOES-R Series Program?
Why are GOES satellites named with both a letter and a number?
How much do the satellites weigh?
How is the launch window for a GOES satellite determined?
Why are there four GOES-R satellites planned if only two will ever be in operation? Will there be two spares?
What are the launch dates for each of the satellites in the GOES-R Series?
What happens with GOES-R Series satellites between launch and becoming operational?
What improvements do the GOES-R Series provide over the previous GOES satellites?
How significant is having The Geostationary Lightning Mapper (GLM) as the first operational lightning mapper in geostationary orbit?
What information do the Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) visible, near infrared, and infrared bands provide in terms of weather forecasting?
How does the GOES-R Series capability to provide mesoscale coverage of small regions make a difference in weather forecasting?
How can GOES-R satellites help forecasters in the absence of radar data?
How do the improved resolution and new channels from GOES-R Series satellites improve hurricane tracking and assist with evacuations?
How can GOES-R Series satellites help in hurricane recovery efforts?
What are the observation improvements of the Solar Ultraviolet Imager (SUVI) compared to the Solar X-ray Imager on previous GOES?
How does SUVI contribute to the space weather forecasting enterprise? What types of data does it provide compared to SOHO and DSCOVR?
How do the GOES-R Series’ weather forecasting capabilities benefit other countries in the Western Hemisphere?
How has weather forecasting improved between the launch of the first GOES satellite in 1975?
How do NASA and NOAA support the GOES-R Series?
Where is the GOES-R ground system located?
Are the four GOES-R Series satellites identical?

GOES-16 and GOES-17 Users

What environmental products are available with the GOES-R Series?
Where can I find the latest GOES-R product quality, validation, and operational status information?
Where can I access ABI and GLM data?
Where can I access GOES-R space weather data?
What is being done to prepare the user community for the GOES-R Series data and products?
What is the Proving Ground?
Are the products based on the ABI an adequate substitute for legacy sounder products?
What is GOES Rebroadcast (GRB)?
Can I receive GRB data with my current system?
In what data format is GOES-R Series Level 1b and Level 2+ data available?